توصيف مقررات متطلبات الكلية 1445هـ, 2023-2024م

Faculty Requirements

No.  Course Code  Course Name  اسم المقرر  توصيف المقرر Course Description
BCIT01  Mathematics  رياضيات  This course will cover a basics of general mathematics: the powers, roots, logarithms, linear algebraic equations, quadratic, sequences, series, limited, functions of continuity.
BCIT02  Calculus  التفاضل والتكامل  Course discusses the principle of limited and show the theories of limited and continue, how to procedure differentiation and its special rules with the study of implicit functions differential, defined the integration and the link between the processes of differentiation and integration, integration rules, methods of integration and its practical applications. his course depends upon mathematics as a direct prerequisite. 
BCIT03  Statistics & Probability   الإحصاء والاحتمالات  

This course introduces probability and statistical concepts with applications to various disciplines using technological tools for statistical computing. Topics covered by this course include displaying and visualizing of data, descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion, inferential statistics such as correlation and simple linear regression, fundamentals and axioms of probability, conditional probability and related applications, types of random variables and some probability distributions. 

Some approaches and methodologies of teaching will be used such as lectures, brainstorming, problem solving, lab applications, assignment and micro-report. This course depends upon mathematics as a direct prerequisite.  

4 BCIT04  Computer Fundamentals  أساسيات الحاسوب 

This course will help you become a digitally literate person—that is, someone who understands how computer technology fits into our modern society and knows how to navigate a variety of computing environments. This course cover: computer basics, the system unit, input, output, and storage, number systems, operating system basics, application software, networking and internet basics, online communication, web basics, create and maintain web pages using HTML, CSS, internet privacy, and security.

BCIT05  Problem Solving and Programming البرمجة وحل المسائل    This course will cover the abstract and structure of programming, problem-solving techniques and tools, flowcharts and algorithms. Abstract data types and their list, variables declarations and memory locations. Arithmetic operators, operator’s precedence, equality and relational operators, cohesion and coupling. Abstract programming structure types: sequences, selection (decision making), iteration, multiple iteration, and errors types and program structure correctness and verification, one and multi-Dimensions arrays (basics using and operations). According to the course plan, the prerequisite of this course is Computer fundamentals. To achieve the course goals, different teaching strategies will be applied such as direct, indirect and interactive and self-learning.
BCIT06  Computer Programming  برمجة حاسوب  This course aims to enhance the students’ skills with python programming concepts as well as problem-solving in computer programming for different applications and issues related to computer software development and programming. It covers the following subjects: python variables, basic operators, numeric and string data types, defining list and list slicing, using tuple data type, program control flow including the conditional blocks using variant if statements and variant loop statements, loop manipulation using continue & break, reusability concept with functions and organizing projects with modules and packages, string, list and dictionary manipulations, file manipulation, GUI, and introducary concepts to object oriented programming (OOP). Throughout computer-based lab works and course project, students will develop problem-solving skills using programming techniques. The pre-requisite of this course is BCIT05 Programming and Problem Solving.


BCIT07  Object Oriented Programming  البرمجة الموجهة بالكائنات  This course presents a conceptual and practical introduction to object oriented programming, exemplified by Java. As well as providing a grounding in the use of Java, the course will cover general principles of programming in imperative and object oriented frameworks. The course should enable you to develop programs that support experimentation, simulation and exploration in other parts of the Informatics curriculum (e.g. the capacity to implement, test and observe a particular algorithm).
BCIT08  Computing Ethics  أخلاقيات الحوسبة 

The computing ethics course aims to discuss the main ethical responsibilities, legal and professional issues in computing. It covers ethics overview of IT professionals and users, computer and internet crime, cyber-ethics (guidelines for proper use and access of ICT, privacy, copyrights, intellectual property), ethical issues and decisions associated with the use and development of (IT/IS software, web technologies, social media, mobile apps). This course focuses on real case studies and addresses the challenges emerging due to the impact of computing on quality of life and the applications of ethics in IT organizations. Teaching strategies vary between lectures, case studies, and discussions.

Pre-requisite: Computer Fundamental. 

BCIT09  Introduction to Database مقدمة إلى قواعد البيانات  This course provides an introduction to database systems by identifying relational database theory, database analysis and design, and database system development lifecycle. It has two integrated goals, the first one aims to explain the fundamental concepts of creating and designing database such as DBMS, DBMS environment, database Architecture, relational model and languages. It also aims to study the methodology of DB design, and its deferent phases (conceptual, logical and physical). This design will be accomplished by using various data models such as ERD, relational model ending with normalization. Second goal aims to provide practical experience in applying the previous fundamentals and concepts by creating a database using one of the commercial database management systems such as MS access, Oracle or MS SQL server, then connect it with database system which created by Oracle developer. This course pre-requisite is problem solving and programing.
10  BCIT10  Data Structures and Algorithms  هياكل البيانات والخوارزميات  This course provides theoretical and practical knowledge of fundamental data structures. It aims to enable students to organize, represent and manipulate the data, which is central to computing. Topics covered include complexity analysis, arrays, linked-list, stacks, queues, trees, graph and hash tables. These data structures are explained using basic sorting and searching techniques with brief overview of recursion. The course also explores the implementation of a range of data structures in the Java programming language. 
This course is delivered through lectures, labs and programming assignments. The prerequisite of this course is Object oriented programming. 
11  BCIT11  Principles of Operating Systems  مبادئ نظم التشغيل  The course will start with a brief historical perspective of the evolution of operating systems over the last fifty years, and then cover the major components and structure of most operating systems. Particular emphasis will be given to these major OS subsystems: process management (processes, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, and deadlock), memory management (segmentation, paging, swapping), file systems, disk management.
12  BCIT12  Discrete Structures  هياكل متقطعة  Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are discrete, separated, or distinct; in contrast with calculus which deals with continuous change. This is an introductory course in discrete mathematics. This course’s goal is to introduce students to ideas and techniques from discrete mathematics widely used in computing disciplines. This course teaches the students techniques in how to think logically and mathematically and apply these techniques in solving problems. To achieve this goal, students will learn logic and proof, sets, functions, as well as algorithms and mathematical reasoning. Key topics involving relations, graphs, trees, and counting principles are covered in this course. The students must complete the mathematics course as a prerequisite for this course. 
13  BCIT13  Principles of Data Communication and Networks  مبادئ تراسل البيانات والشبكات  The course introduces the architecture, protocols, functions, components, and models of the internet and computer networks. The principles of IP addressing, and fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum. Topics include overview of data communications and networking, reference models, physical layer characteristics, data link frame and ethernet switching, IPv4 addressing, overview of TCP and UDP protocols, and the concepts of main application layer services and protocols. The broad survey coverage of this course teaches basic concepts and terminology that will prepare students to gain in-depth understanding in later courses, professional experiences, and outside, reading and activities. Cisco Lab Activities will provide students practical experiences through CCNA1 course. The students must complete the computer fundamentals course as a prerequisite for this course. 
14  BCIT14  Cloud Computing   الحوسبة السحابية  This course highlights the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm and infrastructures system, this includes the architecture and infrastructure of cloud computing, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud.  It also highlights the network and storage virtualization as well native cloud apps and cloud security.   Case studies, labs and exams in addition to lectures will be accomplished to provide students with a better understanding for cloud computing technology and environment. Operating system is the co-request and principles of data communication and networks is the pre-request for this course.
15  BCIT15  Mobile Application Development  تطوير تطبيقات الأجهزة النقالة  Mobile application programming course (BCIT15) aims to teach students how to develop cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile applications using the Flutter framework. It covers the basic concepts of developing cross-platform mobile applications. In addition, it concentrates on how to create adaptable user interfaces, build medium mobile apps, retrieve local and real-time data, and employ best practices for developing mobile applications. The course has both lecture and laboratory sessions. The lecture sessions cover basic concepts whereas the lab sessions give the students a hands-on experience on the topics covered in the lecture sessions. The pre-requisite of this course is Object-oriented Programming (BCIT07). 
16  BCIT16  Web Application Development  تطوير تطبيقات الويب  The process of developing web applications goes through client and server sides. This course focuses on server-side development. Students will explore and learn many topics related to modern web applications development. The covered topics are introduction to PHP, expression and control flow in PHP, PHP functions and objects, PHP arrays, practical PHP, working with databases, cookies, sessions, and authentication, and error handling and validation. This course will be delivered theoretically and practically to improve students’ skills. The pre-requisite of this course are computer programming and introduction to database. 
17  BCIT17  Research Methodology  مناهج البحث العلمي 

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