توصيف المفردات لمقررات بكالوريوس طب الاسنان

الكلية: طب الأسنان

Course syllabus                                                                                                       وصف المقررات

القســـــــم: طب الأسنان Department:  Dentistry
البرنامج: بكالوريوس طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان Program:  Bachelor of Dental Surgery

First Year Courses                                                                                                   مقررات السنة الأولى

Islamic Culture (BUST05)       4 Credit hours (4 Lecture)
يهتم المقرر بتكوين الشخصية المسلمة القادرة على قراءة ماضيها وفهم واقعها والاسهام الإيجابي في بناء المستقبل بما يوافق شرع الله ويلبي احتياجات العصر من غير إفراط ولا تفريط (بوسطية)، كونه من متطلبات الجامعة التي تتناول جملة من الموضوعات ذات الصلة بالتحديات التي تواجه المجتمع المسلم وتتألف من خمس وحدات، الأولى: مدخل لدراسة الثقافة الإسلامية، والثانية: لمحات من عصر الرسالة، والثالثة: النظم الإسلامية، والرابعة: تحديات معاصرة تواجه المجتمع المسلم والخامسة: الشباب ومشكلاته.  ويتم أخذ المقرر بطريقة الحوار والمناقشة وعرض فيديوهات تعليمية مساندة للمقرر، كما يكلف فيه الطلبة بالبحوث التي تخدم أهداف المقرر. ويتم تقييم الطلبة عن طريق المشاركة أثناء التدريس والأنشطة التي يكلف بها الطلبة والاختبارات النصفية والنهائية.                                                                                                       


English Language (1) (UST02)


4 Credit hours (8 Practical)

The current course provides student with the language basics of everyday English help them communicate in different life situations. The course focuses in real life conversation and the basics grammar that will help each one in his/her major. Moreover, the course provides student with plenty of writing and speaking practices. The update of the book allow student to be posted with the latest language use and function that are easy and useable in real life situation.

Communications Skills (BUST07)   1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

يهدف مهارات الاتصال الى المام الطالب بالنظريات والمفاهيم الاساسية في مجال الاتصال الانساني ، وتنمية المهارات الاساسية في مجال التواصل الجيد مع الذات ومع الاخرين، وتعزيز ممارستها في حياته اليومية والعملية باستخدام اساليب جدية تعتمد على التدريب والتقويم المتنوع والفعال، بما يسهم في انجاح حياته الخاصة والعملية على حد سواء.

Computer Skills (BUST09)      3 Credit hours (6 Practical)

This course provides a student by basic skills for using computer at studying environment , library, and at home. It presents the knowledge of basic computer and information technology concepts. The course provides the knowledge needed to operate and utilize the operating system and office software package, and to use the computer for Internet access and electronic communication.

General Chemistry (BDNT01)                                         3 Credit hours (2 Lecture+2 Practical)

This course develops the concepts of chemical bonding in order to appreciate the size, polarity and macroscopic behavior of molecules. The processes of oxidation-reduction will be explained particularly as they apply to biological systems, solution chemistry will be introduced, stressing the concepts of equilibrium and colligative properties. Acid / base chemistry, including titrimetric, buffers and PH will be studied. Nuclear chemistry in the evolution of matter will be briefly considered methods of teaching/ learning are used in this course including lectures, seminars and practical skills.

General Biology (BDNT02)                                              3 Credit hours (2 Lecture+2 Practical)

This course is important since it provides a brief difference between living and non-living organisms. The topics will cover the cell structure, cell function, cell division including enzymes and material transport. The teaching will include lectures, discussion and assignment. There will be no pre-requisite course needed.


Skills of Holy Quran Recitation & Tajweed (BUST01)   

1 Credit hour (2 Practical)

يعد هذا المقرر من المقررات المهمة؛ كونه متعلق بكلام الله تعالى ثم إنه من متطلبات الجامعة، وهو مقرر نظري وتطبيقي يقوم الطالب فيه بتلاوة وحفظ نصف جزء عم من سورة (الطارق – الناس)، ودراسة الآداب التي ينبغي أن يتحلى بها قارئ القران، وفهم وتطبيق هذه الاحكام عند قراءة القران الكريم، وتستخدم طريقتي الحوار والمناقشة في التدريس، ويتم تقييم الطالب من خلال تلاوته للقران أثناء اللقاءات التعليمية والقيام بالتكليفات المصاحبة-الصفية واللاصفية – مع الامتحانين النصفي والنهائي.


English Language (2) (UST06)

4 Credit hours (8 Practical)

The current course provides student with the language basics of everyday English help them communicate in different life situations. The course focuses in real life conversation and the basics grammar that will help each one in his major. Moreover, the course provides student with plenty of writing and speaking practices. The update of the book allow student to be posted with the latest language use and function that are easy and useable in real life situation.


Arabic Language (BUST03)     

4 Credit hours (4 Lecture)

يهتم المقرر بتنمية المهارات اللغوية الأساسية للطالب كونه من متطلبات الجامعة، ويتناول جملة من النشاطات الاتصالية والدروس اللغوية والإملائية والتركيبية ويحتوي على معارف ونصوص وتدريبات لغوية ويتألف من جزأين:الأول: يركز على مهارتي الاستماع والتحدث، والثاني يركز على مهارتي القراءة والكتابة مع احتواء كل من الكتابين على اساسيات التركيب النحوي وبعض القواعد الاملائية ويعتمد المقرر أسلوب التدريبات والتطبيقات العملية لكل طالب، إضافة إلى النصوص التطبيقية في السيدي المرفق بالكتاب مع الامتحان التقييمية الشفهية.

Organic Chemistry (BDNT03)                                         3 Credit hours (2 Lecture+2 Practical)

This course surveys structural chemistry of organic compounds with an emphasis on electronic structure conformation and stereochemistry. Concepts and models are developed to build intuition about the stability and reactivity of organic compounds. These concepts will prepare students for a mechanistic-based to learning organic reactivity. emphasis will also be placed a developing problem-solving skill unique to organic chemistry. Different methods of teaching / learning are used in this course including lectures, seminars and practical skills.

Biophysics (BDNT04)   3 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 2 Practical)

This course provide student with   the Introduction to Medical Physics, a practical introduction to key physical principles as applied to medical imaging and radiation therapy.Topics covered will include:  imaging metrics, ionizing radiation and radiation safety, radioactivity, radiation therapy, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging. This course focus on: X-ray physics, X-ray imaging, Nuclear medicine physics, Nuclear medicine imaging, Radiation exposure physics and applications, Ultrasound physics and imaging principles, Nuclear magnetic resonance physics. The course carried out using the lectures and self-learning, seminar, applied research and discussion, brainstorming session, Miniature education, solve problems, activation used to teach this course. Evaluation via periodic oral, written presentations, a final written and poster report. The prerequisite of this course are physics, Biology, Physiology courses. This course prepares student to building the fundamental basic concepts in Dental graduated project.

Properties of Dental Biomaterials (BDT002) 2 Credit hours (1 Lecture+2 Practical) al)

This course deals with the study of the different types of dental materials used in dentistry and their effect on oral tissues, also it deals with the advanced materials introduced in dentistry. This course also concerns with the study of the advantages, disadvantages of the materials used in dentistry, their composition, and uses in order to give the student the proper and correct knowledge before practicing at the training dental clinics. This is done through lectures, oral discussion, seminars, and problem solving.

Critical Thinking (BUST08)    1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

التفكير الناقد مادة هدفها الأساسي بناء وتنمية مهارات الطلاب الذهنية في مجال التعامل مع الأفكار المقروءة أو المسموعة أو المرئية لإبداء الرأي المؤيد أو المعارض استناداً إلى المهارات الذهنية المنظمة، والمهارات المعرفية والخبرات والتجارب. يتضمن العديد من الموضوعات الرئيسية كمفهوم التفكير الناقد وفائدته العملية والتعليمية وفي الفصل الدراسي ومعاييره ومعوقاته ومقوماته الأساسية والمساعدة، وكيفية بناء حجج مقنعة الاسناد إلى الاستدلال الناقد، مع بيان صور المغالطات والخدع البلاغية، ثم توجهت المادة بخاتمة تضمنت مهارات التفكير على بعض الظواهر والمجالات الحيوية في الحياة، والطريقة المثلى لتدريسها تكاد تنحصر في الجانب النظري من خلال المحاضرات والمداخلات والمناقشات المستفيضة، مع تعزيز ذلك بقدر كبير من الأساليب التدريسية، كلعب بعض الأدوار، وعرض مقاطع فيديو بالصوت والصورة وإجراءات بعض المناظرات، خصص لتدريسها والتدريب على بعض مفاهيمها 14 ساعة في الفصل الدراسي الواحد، وتدرس بنظام الساعة.

Tooth Morphology (BDT001)                                   4 Credit hours (2 Lecture+4 Practical)
This course is essential for most courses in bachelor of dentistry which provide all basic information about descriptive anatomy of teeth beginning by introduction of anatomical division of oral cavity and teeth, types of teeth ,all dental terms used in  tooth morphology, as well as provide the students the most international teeth numbering systems either deciduous or permanent .It also aim to give the student descriptive anatomy of exact shape of teeth ;external and internal anatomy; with how to make a comparison between different teeth regarding the difference in shape or functions, as well as how acquire hand skill  and imagination power to carve and draw teeth through practical session exactly  No prerequisite and co requisite is required to study this course.

الكلية: طب الأسنان

Course syllabus                                                                                               وصف المقررات

القســـــــم: طب الأسنان Department:  Dentistry
البرنامج: بكالوريوس طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان   Program:  Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Second Year Courses                                                                                  مقررات السنة الثانية

General Histology & Embryology (BDNT06) 3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +2 Practical)
General Histology & Embryology is a medical course that studies the basic histological structure and ultrastructure of the eukaryotic cell with correlation to biological cellular activities, and to teach the student the normal histological structure of different tissues of human body in addition to some of its systems, and how to identify them under the microscope, with functional and clinical correlation whenever possible. Also, it studies the development of the head & neck structures.

Dental materials (BDT004)                               


2 Credit hours (1 Lecture + 2 Practical)  

This course deals with the study of the different types of dental materials used in dentistry and their effect on oral tissues, also it deals with determining the hazards from chemicals in dental materials, infection control measures, and toxicity evaluation. This course also concerns with the study of the advantages, disadvantages of the materials used in dentistry, their composition, and uses in order to give the student the proper and correct knowledge before practicing at the training dental clinics. This is done through lectures, oral discussion, seminars, and problem solving.

Leadership Skills Development (BUST04)         1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

يعد مقرر تنمية المهارات القيادية من المقررات المهمة للطالب الجامعي؛ حيث يهدف إلى إكسابه المهارات القيادية. وتعزيز ممارستها في حياته اليومية والعملية باستخدام أساليب حديثة تعتمد على التدريب والتقويم المتنوع والفعال الذي يسهم في أن يصبح الطالب قائداً مؤهلاً وفاعلاً في بناء المجتمع وخدمته وذلك من خلال مرره بخبرات نظرية وعملية فعلى المستوى النظري من خلال دراسة المفاهيم الأساسية حول القيادة والإدارة والقائد والمهارات القيادية المتمثلة في مهارات (إدارة الذات، التخطيط الشخصي، وإدارة الوقت، حل المشكلات واتخاذ القرارات وبناء وقيادة فرق العمل وإدارة الأزمات) وأما على المستوى التطبيقي فمن خلال قيامه بتنفيذ التمارين والأنشطة التطبيقية العملية سواء بأنشطة التقييم الذاتي، أم بالتكاليف الفردية والجماعية لكل مهارة من المهارات.

Medical Ethics (BDNT10)      2 Credit hours (2 Lecture)

الخلق الحسن هو رسالة الإسلام وله مكانته وشرفه في التعامل القويم مع النفس بتزكيتها ولا شك أن تدريس مقرر الأخلاقيات للطبيب المسلم يعد من اهم اولويات كلية الطب في الجامعة لما لهذا الجانب من دور رئيس في تخريج الطبيب المسلم المؤهل بالعلم الطبي وفق أسس وتعاليم ديننا الإسلامي ليكون قدوة علمية في التعامل اليومي مع المريض والزملاء والأساتذة في تحقيق الهدف من مهنة الطبيب مقدمة عن الحقائق الطبية في الاسلام ومدخل للدراسات طب الاسنان عند العرب. مقومات الطبيب المسلم. ضمانة الطبيب في الأحاديث النبوية والفقه الاسلامية- اخلاقيات الطبيب المسلم- موجبات المسؤولية الطبية. معرفة فقه النوازل وحكمها الشرعي-معرفة مسؤولية الطبيب في الامراض المعدية وجراحة التجميل. دراسة فوائد السواك الطبية. معرفة الدستور الاسلامي للمهمة الطبية الذي اقره المؤتمر العالمي للطب الاسلامي. قسم الطبيب- الاحكام والقواعد الفقهية المتعلقة بممارسة مهنة الطب. مستخدماً المحاضرة وحلقات النقاش والابحاث والسنمار والعصف الذهني ومشاركة الطلاب في فهم المادة العلمية.

Research Methodology (BUST10 (      2 Credit hours (2 Lecture)

يعد هذا المقرر من أهم المقررات الدراسية كونه يمكن للطالب الجامعي من المهارات التي تساعده على انجاز بحث التخرج وهو يعمل على اكسابه مجموعة من المعلومات والمعارف حول العلم والمعرفة، والبحث العلمي ومناهجه، وينمي الاتجاهات الإيجابية لدى المتعلم تجاه البحث العلمي، ويتحقق ذلك من خلال مجموعة من الأنشطة الفاعلة (طرائق وأساليب تدريس- ووسائل) كطريقة الحوار والمناقشة والتعلم الذاتي والبحث والتطبيقات مع استخدام باوربوينت عند العرض وتقييم الطالب من خلال المشاركة الصفية والتكليفات المصاحبة – الصفية واللاصفية- والاختبار النصفي والنهائي.

Operative Dentistry (1) (BDT005)                           4 Credit hours (2 Lecture +4 Practical)

This course teaches the students the basic concepts of operative dentistry and its application, correlating it to a pre-requisites subject, training the students how to use and select the instruments correctly in preparing cavities with different shapes in decayed teeth. Also, this course aims at providing the students with the knowledge of dental caries and the principles of cavity preparation with achieving the main goal of this course which is conservation using phantom head lab, mimicking the different circumstances in dental clinics.

Biostatistics (BDNT09) 2 Credit hours (2 Lecture)

This course provides students fundamental of Biostatistics. The Course includes: displaying the data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation, simple regression, types of random variables and some probability distributions. Some methods will be used in the teaching of this course, such as: lectures, problem-solving, Brainstorming, micro- assignments and micro-report.

Medical English (BDNT17)      3 Credit hours (3 Practical)

This course offers an intermediate understanding of medical terminologies in English language pertaining to the specialization of medicine in general and dentistry in particular, it discusses topics that students are likely to encounter throughout their studies and in their professional lives it shows the ways of coining medical terminologies and sources from where the medical affixes have been borrowed or are being borrowed, it also provides an introductory level of English communication activities that will support the students in their studies and professional careers the teaching strategies for this course include techniques such as flash cards, video, clips, power-point slides, white board etc.

Oral Histology (BDT003)      3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +2 Practical)

Oral Histology is that one of dental sciences which studies development, histological structures, functions and age changes of normal and para oral structures. This course provides a basis for the clinical practice in which the students will be engaged during the coming years and after graduation. The students will be able to distinguish between oral and para oral tissues in health and disease.

Biochemistry (BDNT07)      4 Credit hours (3 Lecture +2 Practical)

This course provides students with basic knowledge about structure and properties of main biomolecules in human body, such as amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. The course emphasizes the relationship between protein structure and its biological function. In addition, it discusses the role of phospholipids in determining the properties of biological membranes and their function. This course also provides students with basic knowledge about metabolic pathways and metabolic basis of diseases. This course familiarizes students with information about regulation of blood glucose, diabetes mellitus, minerals and trace elements. It also helps student understand generation and storage of metabolic energy. It allows the students to utilize basic biochemical knowledge and skills essential for the study and practice clinical sciences. The student will practice basic biochemical tests necessary for his future clinical profession.

General & Head and Neck Anatomy (BDNT05)               6 Credit hours (3 Lecture +6 Practical)

Introduction Anatomy introduces basic concepts and anatomical terminology of human body. Also, it describes briefly the anatomical structure of head and neck by lectures and practicing.

Human Physiology (BDNT08)      4 Credit hours (3 Lecture +2 Practical)

This introductory physiology course introduces basics concepts in physiology of human body. The course familiarizes students with basic definitions and principles related to physiology. This course helps students to understand body fluid and cellular physiology including the functions of cell components. The course gives an overview on the physiology of nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive and renal systems and the endocrine system. Lectures, presentations, and assignments are used as a teaching strategies.

Removable prosthodontics (1) (BDT006) 6 Credit hours (2 Lecture +8 Practical)

The first removable prosthodontics which consists of didactic and practical components that covers both complete and partial dentures. The first half of the academic year is devoted for complete dentures, while the second half is devoted for removable partial dentures. The practical component covers the technical aspects of complete denture construction from the start to finish in the first half of the year and the technical aspect of removable partial denture construction in the second half of the year. During the course, various laboratory exercises that simulate the clinical treatment are also employed. In general, this course is designed to prepare the student to understand the biological, mechanical as well as the esthetic aspect of complete and partial denture treatment.

الكلية: طب الأسنان

Course syllabus                                                                                                       وصف المقررات

القســـــــم: طب الأسنان Department:  Dentistry
البرنامج: بكالوريوس طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان   Program:  Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Third Year Courses                                                                                                 مقررات السنه الثالثة

General Pathology (BDNT11)      3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +2 Practical)

The course allows students to learn basic concept of the various disease processes in the body as well the basic molecular, cellular and reactions to various injurious agents. Cell injury including adaptations, necrosis & apoptosis. Pathology of Inflammation including causes and manifestations and hemodynamic are also discussed. The course also emphasizes neoplasia including classification, epidemiology, and characteristics of benign and malignant tumors. Knowledge of etiology of tumors and its consequences on health are also covered.

Pharmacology (BDNT12)      2 Credit hours (2 Lecture)

This course aims to introduce students to the basic principles and knowledge of drugs by the drug group and body organ or system that affect, their mechanism of action and clinical uses along with side effects and toxicity. Course topics include: general pharmacology autonomic nervous system, drug acting on central nervous system, blood pharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology autacoids, endocrine pharmacology, gastrointestintinal tract pharmacology, chemotherapy. Teaching strategies involve: lectures, presentation, self-learning, research assignments dialogue and discussion, problem solving.

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (BDT007)      4 Credit hours (2 Lecture +4 Practical)

This course of dental radiology offers the way of examining the hidden parts of and their supporting structures. It can be divided conveniently into four main sections: basic physics and equipment, radiography techniques, radiation protection, radiological interpretation. This course is considered as an introductory course that includes lectures, demonstration and practical applications on the previously given lectures. It also includes radiographic interpretation of various pathological lesions that aid in diagnosis treatment planning and management of patients. It also includes extra oral radiographic projection and advanced imaging modalities. It consists of a series of weekly lectures and practical. The course is taught over one year and carries 4 credit hours. In addition to all this the student should write a detailed report about all the abnormalities identified on the radiograph prescribed.

Oral Diagnosis (BDT008)      2 Credit hours (1 Lecture +3 Clinic)

Oral Diagnosis is that branch of dental sciences that deals with the thorough examinations,

investigations of a given disease, anomaly, lesion or others in the oral cavity and its related areas. This course provides a basis for the clinical practice in which the students will be engaged during the coming years and after graduation. The students will be able to understand and know principles of oral diagnosis to make clinical, radiographical and histopathological differential diagnosis reaching to a definitive diagnosis.

Local anesthesia & Extraction (BDT009)      3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +3 Clinic)

This course  is  a series  of weekly lectures  extending  one  year  to cover  introduction  to  local  anesthesia of maxilla and mandible, impotent terminology, assessment of patients, pain control, neuro-anatomy of the oral cavity and para-oral tissue, neuro-physiology, pharmacokinetics of the drugs used in local anesthesia, anatomical consideration, equipment’s, injection techniques, local and systematic complications and their management, this course also  covers sterilization, control of infection, the different methods for extraction [intra-alveolar and trans-alveolar], the required instruments [forceps and elevators, indications and m contraindications of teeth extraction, post-operative instructions and follow-up, and possible complications which may occur during or after extraction and how to recognize and manage such complications. Anatomy, biochemistry, physiology were studied before.

Operative Dentistry (2) (BDT010)      4 Credit hours (2 Lecture +6 Practical)

This course teaches and trains students to have the ability to identify and to do different types of cavities according to G V Black classification of caries, and to select proper restorative materials. Also, this course aims at providing the students with the knowledge of the latest materials and procedures used in cavities preparation and restoration using phantom head lab, mimicking the different circumstances in dental clinics, Operative Dentistry I and Tooth Morphology were a supportive science.

Endodontics (1) (BDT011)      3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +2 Practical)

This is a compulsory course which is an essential pre-requisite to other clinical courses. Upon successful completion of this preclinical course, the student should be ready to perform the Endodontic procedures clinically on patients. The theoretical part covers topics which include an introduction to subject, morphology of root canal system, access cavity preparation, cleaning, shaping and obturation of root canal systems. It lays emphasis on possessing thorough knowledge of various endodontic instruments. The pre-clinical practical part includes performing root canal treatment steps on single-canal and multi-canal teeth. The assessments of this course include continuous evaluation of Lab. practical requirements, midterms written exams, and final written, practical and oral exams.

Removable Prosthodontics (2) (BDT012) 6 Credit hours (2 Lecture +4 Practical + 4 Clinic)

This is a theoretical based Prosthodontics course where students are theoretically trained on the various steps and aspects involved in the construction of complete dentures and removable partial dentures. Theoretical background is given in the form of 1hour lecture once a week. The course is given in form of theory-based slide shows and lectures to ensure that the students understand each practical step of removable dentures. This course introduces the students to the conventional techniques used in the construction of removable prosthesis. Knowledge attained to complete this level brings the student to a point of competency in complete and partial dentures. The clinical work of relation to the laboratory work is discussed with the students to ensure that the students understand each practical step.

Fixed Prosthodontics (1) (BDT013)      6 Credit hours (2 Lecture +8 Practical)
An introduction to the science and art of fixed prosthodontics, essentially with the clinical application of basic fixed Prosthodontics procedures on the phantom head and basic fixed Prosthodontics laboratory procedures on the dental lab.

Oral Pathology (BDT014)      4 Credit hours (3 Lecture +2 Practical)

Oral Pathology is an important branch of dental sciences that deals with the nature of oral and perioral diseases and defects through study of their etiology, pathogenesis, histopathology, prognosis and their effects on oral structures and function. This course provides a basis for the clinical practice in which the students will be engaged during the coming years and after graduation. The students will be able to understand and know principles of oral pathology to make histopathological differential diagnosis reaching to a definitive diagnosis.

Microbiology and Immunology (BDNT13)      3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +2 Practical)
This course deals with the study of medically important microorganisms and concerns with the classification of microorganisms and their structure, infection transmission routes, diseases progression and pathogenesis, infectious diseases prevention and control, and anti-microbial therapy. The course also concerns in basic understanding of microbe-host interactions, immune response components and mechanisms, and basic understanding of oral microbiology and pathogenesis of periodontitis and dental caries

الكلية: طب الأسنان

Course syllabus                                                                                                       وصف المقررات

القســـــــم: طب الأسنان Department:  Dentistry
البرنامج: بكالوريوس طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان Program:  Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Fourth Year Courses                                                                                               مقررات السنه الرابعة

General Medicine (BDNT14)      2 Credit hours (2 Lecture)
This course provides students with the basic, practical, clinical knowledge concerning general medicine. Students will be exposed to concepts and practical issues in general medicine. Also, students will be exposed to important diseases in medicine, that are closely linked to these systems. Teaching and learning methods include interactive lectures, small group discussion (Problem-Based Learning).
General & ENT Surgery (BDNT15)      2 Credit hours (2 Lecture)
General & ENT Surgery is a medical course that focuses on the identification and management of the various surgical problems related to the in the ear, nose, throat and head & neck in particular. It is directed towards building the confidence in the dental students to refer patients with pathological conditions in the ear, nose, throat and head & neck to the appropriate specialization upon their recognition during routine dental visits.
Medically Compromised Patient in Dentistry (BDT032)       1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

This course will introduce the student to the comprehensive principles and required techniques for dealing with the patients and medical management of medically compromised patients and how to deal with emergencies in the dental chair. Anatomy, general histology and embryology, physiology, medical ethics and extraction were studied before.

Oral Surgery Technique (BDT015) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 6 Clinic)

This course aims to teach and train students the comprehensive principles and required techniques for dealing with the patients, especially the medically compromised. Also, course is an introduction to minor oral surgery, diagnosis, and treatment plan for oral surgical procedures that are essential to the general practitioner. the application of local anesthesia and the performance of simple extractions and the possible complications of tooth extraction and their management and the theoretical knowledge of surgical extraction of impacted teeth, periapical surgery, diagnosis and management of acute and chronic oral and dental diseases. The anatomy, physiology, oral pathology and local anesthesia and extraction were studied before.

Pedodontics (1) (BDT016) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 4 Clinic)

This course is entrance in Pediatric Dentistry, where it gives an introduction to pediatric dentistry and the importance of its applications and clinical as well as the history of the development and growth of the deciduous and permanent teeth, eruption time and how to differentiate between them. As well as gives the student the ability to collect data for patient beginning of the clinical examination to reach the exact diagnosis of the oral disease of pediatric child to reach to preventive and operative treatment plan. As well as the course aims to introduce students to how to deal with children who are suffering from systemic disease that influence with dental treatment on dental chair and also how to raise awareness of dental health through give instructions about diet habits and how to maintain the level of oral hygiene and give student importance of the various preventive methods in reduction incidence of dental caries in children and adolescents at the level of Child and relatives. This course is given to level four of Bachelor of dentistry and it does not require any prerequisite and co-requisite courses.

Periodontology (1) (BDT017) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 6 Clinic)

The periodontal program established to produce knowledge, skillful dentist who is able to know and differentiate between various periodontal disease, etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease in order to make the proper diagnosis and management.

Operative Dentistry (3) (BDT018) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 6 Clinic)

This course teaches and train students have a good working knowledge about different types of dental bonding agents, and a clinical experience in differentiating, diagnosing and treatment planning of different cervical non carious lesions. Students after finishing this course will be able to make better case selection for restorations in the esthetic area supported by good clinical skills that aid them to better do clinical color selection.

Endodontics (2) (BDT025)      3 Credit hours (2 Lecture +6 Clinic)

The is a compulsory course which is an essential pre-requisite to comprehensive clinical practice. The theoretical part covers topics which include case control, decision making, pulp and periapical diseases, endodontic emergencies and their management, restoration of the endodontically treated teeth, vital pulp therapy, immature roots, traumatic injuries, endo-perio lesions, success and failure, non-surgical retreatment, surgical endodontics and bleaching. The clinical part allows students to make proper diagnosis, treatment planning and management of the cases requiring endodontic therapy in single canal and two canal teeth (anterior and premolars teeth). The assessments of this course include continuous evaluation of clinical requirements, midterms written exams, and final written, clinical and oral exams.

Removable prosthodontics (3) (BDT019) 6 Credit hours (2 Lecture +4 Practical + 4 Clinic)

This course is composed of theoretical and clinical part. The theoretical part concludes the last sequence of removable prosthodontic courses leading to a professional degree in dentistry. This is a theoretical based Prosthodontics course where students are theoretically trained on the various steps and aspects involved in the construction of conventional and non-conventional complete dentures and removable partial dentures. Theoretical background is given in the form of 1hour lecture once a week. The students are exposed theoretically to more advanced topics in prosthetic dentistry, which considered as continuation to 2rd & 3th year prosthodontic courses. While in the fifth year students will be exposed to some advanced elective courses and comprehensive patient care courses. The course is given in form of theory based slide shows and lectures to ensure that the students understand each practical step of removable dentures in addition to seminar and groups BPL for specific subjects. This course introduces the students to the conventional and non-conventional techniques used in the construction of removable prosthesis. Knowledge attained to complete this level brings the student to higher levels of competency in removable. The clinical part of the course will focus on training students on various steps involved in the construction of conventional and non-conventional complete dentures and removable partial dentures. The practical sessions are given on weekly basis. Theoretical background is the responsibility of the student. However, short talks during clinic and treatment will be provided during the clinic. No demonstrations of the work to be done. However, during each practical step strict supervision will be provided to ensure that all students acquire the skills necessary to do the practical work of removable dentures taking into account the variations in the level of understanding between students. The clinical work of relation to the laboratory work is discussed with the students to ensure that the students understand each practical step.

Fixed Prosthodontics (2) (BDT020) 6 Credit hours (2 Lecture +4 Practical + 4 Clinic)

Depth in the science and art of Fixed Prosthodontics and through which students learn and gain clinical skills and art of diagnosis and a treatment plan through training on patients and mastered the technical skills laboratory through training on industry of Fixed Prosthodontics in the crowns and bridges labs, and enable the student to apply what they have learned in the previous course so that the patient’s mouth. Or Applications the clinical and laboratory procedures of fixed Prosthodontics that taken in the previous year but on the patients.

Oral Medicine (BDT021) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 4 Clinic)

The course is designed to demonstrate the most common oral and Para oral diseases. Their causes, pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. It is intended for the dental student to gain basic knowledge and skills that are involved in the diagnostic process and treatment planning of such diseases the course will allow students to effectively communicate with patients and establish sound patient dentist relationships, carrying out a general and detailed examination of the extra-oral and intra-oral structures. The course is offered through lectures and clinical practice. Lectures will cover various topics on the interviewing process, clinical methods, oral mucosal and salivary gland diseases and on relevant aspects of the diagnostic tools employed in treatment planning. The practical section is intended to learn the students how to examine, diagnose, differentiate and treat patients will different oral mucosal lesions and salivary gland diseases. Oral diagnostic science is mandatory to introduce to this course.

Orthodontics (1) (BDT022) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 4 Practical)

This is the first orthodontic course for dental students at the dental college. The course is a continuous one that is taught over one year and has two components; theoretical and practical. The course will introduce the fourth year dental student to the fundamentals of orthodontics, including topics on the concepts of growth and development of the craniofacial structures, etiology of orthodontic problems, biological basis of orthodontic therapy, and clinical features of different malocclusions.This course is also designed to give the student a basic understanding of the skills required to fabricate removable orthodontic appliances that are typically indicated for limited tooth movement and retention in interceptive orthodontics.

الكلية: طب الأسنان

Course syllabus                                                                                                       وصف المقررات

القســـــــم: طب الأسنان Department:  Dentistry
البرنامج: بكالوريوس طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان


Program:  Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Fifth Year Courses                                                                         مقررات السنه  الخامسة

Dental therapeutics (BDNT16)          1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

This course aims to introduce students to the basic principles and knowledge of drugs by the drug group and body organ or system that affect, their mechanism of action and clinical uses along with side effects and toxicity, as well as drug interactions with other medications, food and various dental procedures and drugs contraindications. Course topics include rational prescription of drugs, prescription writing and abbreviations, essential, OTC and controlled drugs, drugs in pregnancy, drugs in childhood, dentistry clinical pharmacology of antifungal dentistry clinical pharmacology of antiviral, locally acting drugs, pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis skeletal muscle relaxants drug interactions pharmacotherapy of smoking mouth washes and gargles, toothpastes. Teaching strategies involve lectures presentations self-learning, research assignments clinical cases, dialogue and discussion, problem solving.

Maxillofacial Prosthesis (BDT024)    2 Credit hours (1 Lecture + 3 Practical)

This two-credit hour course is designed to provide the undergraduate dental students with the basic theoretical. Clinical and technical knowledge and skills to fabricate maxillofacial obturators.        A detailed theoretical background, relevant to clinical and technical aspects of maxillofacial will also provided.

Basic life support (BDT033)    2 Credit hours (1 Lecture + 2 Practical)

This course is an introduction to very impotent cardiac disorder that lead to cardiac rest diagnosis and treatment plan for oral surgical procedures that are essential to the general practitioner also it demonstrate on a model how to stimulate the respiratory and cardiac systems, course topics includes general standard of care, medical patient categories trauma patient categories environmental-related disorders, pediatrics, geriatrics, psychiatric disorders. Involve lectures, self-learning, practical training and practice, dialogue and discussion, problem solving cases study, cooperative learning, and simulation.

Surgical Procedures in Implant Dentistry (BDT035)      1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

This course introduces the student with knowledge of implant materials, designs tissue interfaces of Osseo integration and fibro integration to understand the reasons for implant success and failure both before and after restoration. Course topics include the Development of dental implants armamentarium for implant surgery, patient selection. Also, Radiographic modalities, sterilization, disinfection, and Asepsis in implantology, generalized surgical technique for end osseous Root-Form implants, implant exposure techniques at second-stage surgery, bone biology osseointegration, and bone Grafting, healing and suturing techniques and prescribing of pharmacological agents. Teaching strategies include: lectures, Seminars, Presentations, Dialogue and discussion cooperative and self-learning.

Occlusion and TMJ Disorders (BDT034)      1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

A general and complete description of the dental anatomy, physiology and occlusion has been viewed in a previous course. The actual course aims to give the student a full and comprehensive idea of the fundamentals of occlusion in all its aspects, static or dynamic, normal or pathologic. It also spans the biological, biomechanical and physiological aspects of occlusion.

Prosthetic Rehabilitation in Implant Dentistry (BDT036)       1 Credit hour (1 Lecture)

This course introduces to the conventional techniques used in the construction of prosthetic rehabilitation over implants abutment, to achieve a higher levels of competency in implants prosthodontics. The course contents include introduction for dental implants, diagnosis and treatment. Stress treatment theorem sequence of treatment planning impression materials and tools for success with implant prosthodontics, implants abutments prosthetic rehabilitation. Teaching strategies involves: lectures, Group tutorial, Seminars, and Self-learning.

Dental Public Health & Community Dentistry (BDT026) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 6 Clinic)
Dental Public health (also known as community oral health and community Dentistry) is the branch of dentistry that aims to prevent oral disease and maintain oral health by focusing on social influences and working with communities as opposed to individual patients. By studying dental public health, the dental undergraduate will develop an understanding of how the nature of community, access to material goods and services, and broad cultural composition will impact on disease experience, type of dental services people prefer, their likely attendance and ability to maintain their own dental health.
Orthodontics (2) (BDT027) 2 Credit hours (1 Lecture + 3 Clinic)

This course is intended to give the student an introduction of orthodontic diagnosis, evaluation and treatment planning with the emphasis on the in elements of orthodontics which the general practitioner should be familiar with in order to treat limited orthodontic cases. The student will learn orthodontic triage: separating patients who can be treated by a general practitioner and those who will require referral to a dental specialist.

Pedodontics (2) (BDT028) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 4 Clinic)

This course aims to teach and train the student comprehensive principles and required clinical techniques which concerned with understanding of normal growth and development   and the promotion and maintenance of oral health for children. Prevention is the cornerstone of good management of dental problems in children.

Periodontology (2) (BDT029) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 6 Clinic)

The periodontal program established to produce knowledge, skillful dentist who is able to treat various periodontal pathologies using different periodontal instruments and prescribe suitable systemic medications commonly used in periodontology and their side effects.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BDT030) 4 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 6 Clinic)

This course introduces the student to assessment of surgery for, preprosthetic surgery, biopsies, and the diagnosis and treatment of odontogenic infections. With the procedures most commonly provided by oral and maxillofacial surgeons.  Technique is not taught; the student is made aware of procedures available to patients through referral. And, diagnosis and treatment of salivary gland disease, TMJ and oral cancer.

Comprehensive Clinical Practice (BDT031)   8 Credit hours (2 Lecture + 18 Clinic)

This course is designed to cover all clinical dentistry.  It is a conjoint course by the two dental departments where contributors from all disciplines participate in both the lectures and clinical sessions. Lectures are designed to cover a wide aspect of advanced dental topics related to comprehensive dental care. Clinical sessions are conducted to augment the clinical experience gained by the students in previous clinical courses and provide them with an excellent foundation for comprehensive patient care and clinical management. It is offered during the fifth year and consists of one lecture and three clinical sessions per week throughout the academic year.