مشاريع التخرج  لطلاب وطالبات قسم الترجمة للعام الجامعي 2023/2022م

اسم البحث اسماء الطلاب المشرف على البحث البحث
Translating Phrasal Verbs from English to Arabic :Human vs. Machine Translation احمد محمد عبدالله مقبول المروعي

عبدالعزيز عبدالغني محمد العقبي

غسان عبدالملك عبدالله قاسم احمد

ماجد احمد حمود علي محمد

محمد منير محمد عبده الاغبري

عبدالله احمد الخادم عبدالله عايض

أ.نعمة الحاج


This study aims to  compare between students’ and machines’ proficiency in translating  phrasal verbs. So, a test of 20 phrasal verbs is given to 4th year students of English and Translation Department in the UST as well as to 5 machine Translation engines to translate them into Arabic. The students’ and machines’  translations  are corrected from the viewpoint of being acceptable or unacceptable and then the students’ and machines’ performance are evaluated. Furthermore, this study focuses on the methods applied by the students and machines in transferring the given 20 phrasal verbs into Arabic. It identifies three translation methods frequently resorted to by the students and machines. These methods are literal, semantic and functional . In addition, the difficulties which are encountered by the students in the translation process of these 20 phrasal verbs are identified depending on a questionnaire of eight reasons of difficulties given to them.

Based on the correction and analysis of the students’  translations, thirteen out of twenty students with a percentage of  65%  pass the test, and  the overall performance of the students is fair. Moreover, the most frequently used method is functional method with a percentage of 44.07 %. Regarding the students’ responses to the questionnaire,  the difficulty that gets the highest “Agree” with a percentage of 45%   is “The context is not enough to guess the meaning of the SL”.

Depending on the correction and analysis of the machines’ translations, it is found all the machines pass the test, and the overall performance of  the machines is fair. The most frequently used method with a percentage of 63% is literal strategy.

Comparing results of humans and machines, we find that the human performance is  much better than that of the machines’ regarding the use of  the functional method.

Difficulties Face Students When Translating Prepositions ابتسام عبدالواسع احمد علي العلوي

امل فؤاد محفوظ عبدالجليل هزاع

فردوس محمد عبدالله شرف ابكر

اسمهان هادي محمد زين هيج

ريمان عبدالواحد علي سعيد ناجي القباطي

د.ابراهيم جبريل Abstract
Translation of Propositions is a problematic area in English and Arabic. This study aims to clarify the use of prepositions, identify the problems of translating prepositions between English & Arabic, and explore the strategies used in translating prepositions. It has used analytical descriptive methodology. The sample followed the whole survey method .The data was collected through a test that consists of 20 sentences to be translated by all the third level students of University of Science and Technology. It was found
that the majority of students did well in translating English prepositions, and
some of them faced difficulties in translating Arabic prepositions. Some students avoided translating some prepositions which they do not know how
to use them, and some of them used the strategy of substitution which is
correct but not the best. It is recommended that researchers are advised to study the benefit of organizing training courses by university instructors that
aim at familiarizing students with the use of prepositions in English and Arabic and explaining the appropriate methods to translate them in an extensive way. Students should take an intensive course in Arabic grammar (mother tongue) and in English language. Students should avoid literal
translation of prepositions because English and Arabic are basically different languages. We advise students to research and study in depth prepositions to know the differences between them and to be able to use the appropriate
prepositions while translating. We advise them that if they don’t know the appropriate prepositions while translating, they should use the best substitution but don’t avoid translating them.
Translating Jane Austens Pride and prejudice with Commentary سحر عبدالرحمن احمد سهيل

اية محمد احمد عبدالعزيز الصوفي

ردينا عبدالباسط علي عبدالمجيد العبسي

منال مامون ثابت القرشي

جيهان حسن علي سود الفقية

أ.نعمة الحاج Abstract


This study offers a translation to the simplified version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It also  sheds light on the challenges that we,  the researchers,  have faced while translating this simplified novel. These challenges are related to culture, style, structure, etc at different levels viz. word,  sentence,  phrase and paragraph. Moreover, the most important strategies applied by the translator researchers to deal with these challenges are discussed .  In other words, a translation commentary is provided to justify the use of different strategies and lexical choices to render this novel into Arabic. The most frequently used strategies are as follows literal translation, idiomatic translation, transposition, insertion,  modulation,  cultural substitution, paraphrasing and transliteration. However,  literal translation  prevails over the other strategies to give Arabic readers a chance to be exposed to the ST culture and sometimes it serves the context well.

Corpus-Based Analysis of the Meaning & translstion of The Arabic Word Ghurfah in lslamic Discourse اروى محمود فارع محمد المسلمي

ابتسام ابراهيم خليل محمد مكرم

منى وهيب عبدة عبدالله ناشر

وفاء سيف ثابت احمد العبسي

بشرى وليد عبده محمد سعيد الشوافي

د.ابراهيم جبريل Abstract
This research aims to identify the meaning of the polysemous and
homonymy words Ghurfah (غرفة) in Arabic language. In addition, it
investigates the word Ghurfah ((غرفة in Arabic corpus . Besides, it sheds
light on its translation in the Holy Quran. The descriptive methodology is
followed. The researchers followed a content-based analysis. It is found
with times 5 Quran Holy the in repeated has Ghurfah(غرفة) word the that
two different meanings. viz taking quality of water and place in paradise.
In Arabic Corpus, it is found that the most common meaning of the word
Ghurfah(غرفة) is place, followed by virtual or metaphorical meaning, a
place in paradise and lastly to take a quality of water respectively.
Moreover, the most common meaning used for the word Ghurfah (غرفة) is
the room of four walls, a room according to long man dictionary (apart
inside of a building that has its own wall, floor, and ceiling). The
researchers clarified its interpretations according to the two interpreters
Abdallah Youssef and Shaker. They reflected the two meanings with
slight differences in their translations.
Communication Skills& lnterpreters Performance : An lnvestigation of Translation Students Perspective رحاب عارف محمد صالح الحكيمي

سمر عبدالله يوسف حسن المصعبي

شيماء علي محمد مثنى المغارم

بشاير حسن محمد محمد هاشم شوبج زهور سالم محمد فتيني هادي سهل

د.ابراهيم جبريل Abstract
No doubt, there is a relationship between the communication skills &
interpreter’s performance. This study aimed to identify the
communication skills needed by the interpreters, especially consecutive
interpreters. It also attempted to explore translation students’ attitudes
towards communication skills and interpretation relationship. To achieve
these aims, the descriptive method was used. A questioner was the
method distributed to 16 4th level Ss of Translation Program at the
University of Science & Technology, Hodeida. The results show that
several communication skills are needed to interpreters in their work
namely, soft skills, active listening and body language. The majority of
the respondents are in Agreement to the need of the interpreter to
flexibility and good interaction with customer; helpfulness from senior
translators is very important for novice translators; split-half attention
between the reception and production is very important and punctuation
and commitment are highly needed. Regarding speaking skills, there is an
agreement that using equipment is unavoidable. However, some disagree
to this issue of active listening skills. Besides, there is an agreement that
translator should be a good listener and speaker either some disagree. In
addition, students think that interpreter’s intonation should be clear for
the listener. Concerning body language, effectiveness of the body
language, seeing the speaker and eye contact for the interpreters’ work is
a point of agreement among the respondents; only one student disagrees.