Program Mission
To prepare competent business leaders and entrepreneurs who can meet the needs of local, regional, and global job markets, and are equipped with research competencies, through outstanding academic staff, advanced curriculum, an inspiring environment, and effective partnership, and in line with quality standards and academic accreditation.
Program Objectives
• To provide students with advanced knowledge in the field of business administration and scientific research within both local and international environments.
• To equip students with leadership and entrepreneurship competencies.
• To enhance students’ ability to analyze and understand the factors influencing the modern business environment, through the development of research papers and scientific articles in both Arabic and international contexts.
Master of Business AdministrationIntended learning Outcomes (PLOs):
A. Knowledge and Understanding:
Upon successful completion of the MBA Program, the graduates will be able to:
A1 Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary theories and models related to the philosophy of business management.
A2: Comprehends the organization’s work environment, the fundamentals of resource development, and how to maintain them.
B. Cognitive/ Intellectual Skills:
Upon successful completion of the MBA Program, the graduates will be able to:
B1. Analyze management theories and models that help develop and preserve organization’s resources in different business environments. B2: Propose appropriate solutions to various business environment issues in light of social responsibility and business ethics.
C. Practical and Professional Skills:
Upon successful completion of the MBA Program, the graduates will be able to:
C1. prepare strategic and operational plans for business organizations.
C2: Develop policies, procedures, and organizational structures within business organizations.
D. General and Transferable Skills:
Upon successful completion of the MBA Program, the graduates will be able to:
D1 Propose initiatives for projects and participate in implementation.
D2: Practice effective communication skills and manage work teams effectively.
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