Program Mission

provide outstanding educational and research experiences to graduate students in both core and emerging multidisciplinary areas of computing. The program seeks to develop distinguished researchers and graduates equipped with professional, entrepreneurial, and innovative skills that meet the demands of the labor market and society, through a high-quality interactive environment that fosters excellence in learning, research, and personal development, to drive transformative solutions that address the needs of both national and regional communities.

Master of Computing Program Objectives

• To produce highly knowledgeable Computing disciplines graduates to pursue a higher degree or a career in research.

• To develop students’ entrepreneurial and creative skills to address local and global challenges.

• To equip students to conduct impactful research and contribute to computing advancements.

• To prepare graduates with skills to meet labor market demands in the national and regional community.

Master of Computing Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOS):

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

A1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the advanced body of knowledge, including contemporary research and development issues relevant to a particular discipline or profession of Computing.

B. Cognitive/Intellectual Skills:

B1. analyze a complex problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to elaborate solutions to it.

C. Practical and Professional Skills:

C1. design, implement, and evaluate a modern computing-based solution to meet a given set of requirements in the context of the computing’s discipline.

C2. Conduct sound research work, present, and defend related findings.

D. General and Transferable Skills:

D1. communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts,

D2. recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles,

D3. function effectively as a member and leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the computing’s discipline.


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