Program Overview

The information systems program aims to graduate specialists skilled in computers and programming in the field of information systems, analysis and design of systems and databases, management of program development and management of information centers. Programs, projects and administrative processes in determining the organization’s objectives for the application and development of information technology and its use in administrative work. 

In the sense that a specialist in the field of information systems must act as a bridge or link between management and specialists in technical aspects. He is the one who understands the common language between technicians and administrators in organizations and makes them work in harmony and understand each other. Therefore, it is very important for a specialist in the field of information systems to have skills High communication to be able to deal with people of different levels and specialties.




جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا -

      • The Accounting Information Systems Program is one of the most promising programs, where the student obtains a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Information Systems. The program constantly seeks to update and review study plans and course vocabulary in line with the continuous developments in the field of accounting information systems specialization, which qualifies the graduate student with the necessary skills and market requirements in this field. On the one hand, and the tremendous development in communications and information technology on the other hand, the program provides students with the knowledge and awareness necessary to understand the science of accounting information systems and keep pace with its development at the present time.
      • Using the latest application software in practical application

  • Providing students with the knowledge and skills that enable them to become specialists in the fields of information systems.
  • Contribute to providing the local and regional labor market with specialized cadres to meet the needs of work in this vital field.
  • Publishing specialized research with a focus on the applied aspects in the fields of accounting information systems that have a direct impact on development in society.

جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا -

Career Opportunities

  • Accounting information systems analyst and developer
  • Accounting systems consultant
  • Information systems specialist
  • Computer center manager
  • information security officer
  • database specialist
  • Executive Director in Accounting and Finance
  • Information systems manager
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا -

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