Taiz Branch

جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا -


To cope up with the university’s vision to be one of the most prestigious international universities.


Taiz branch is dedicated to provide a distinctive educational service, knowledge and skills for the student that meet the requirements of development and the labor market, contributing to the development of society by providing research, advisory and training services and continuing education programs, through efficient academic and administrative staff, a stimulating educational environment, advanced programs, and the expansion of local partnerships. In accordance with total quality systems, transparency and professional ethics.


  • Providing students with knowledge and skills in various academic disciplines.
  • Contributing to supporting scientific and applied research efforts in various fields.
  • Linking educational outcomes to development requirements and the needs of the labor market.
  • Providing the necessary infrastructure to support the educational process, services and student activities.
  • Expanding partnerships and developing relations with universities.
  • Activating relationships with educational institutions and institutions supporting education.
  • Strengthening the branch’s role in community service by providing advisory and training programs in various aspects of development.

 Degree Programs

  • Pharmacy
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Sciences
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Administrative Sciences
  • Computing and Information Technology

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